"Carnival Knowledge" show at Franklin Furnace, 1980s
Photo: Dona Ann McAdams
A Feminist Dialogue Across Generations
SOHO20 Gallery
547 West 27th Street, Suite 301
New York, NY 10001
Friday, January 13th, 2012, 6-8pm
Self Censoring
As an artist who shows their work - whether to the public through an exhibition or to an individual be they a curator, dealer, family member or close friend - how receptive are you to constructive criticism? In what way, if any does, criticism shape, confine or guide your creative production? If someone suggested you change a particular element of your work, would you? Do you feel this impurlse to please others comes from a place of self-censorship or a benerficial, mutual creative dialogue?
(RE)Present 2012: What do we want from Feminism and how can we achieve it? Continuing in the tradition of the New York Feminist Art Institute, NYFAI (1979-1990), https://nyfai.org .
An event of The Feminist Art Project.
For further information contact:
Nancy Azara at 212-925-5777 or nancy@nancyazara.com
This event is free and open to the public